Steirische Terroir und Klassikweingüter
12 wine estates with distinctive personalities, individual histories and highly idiosyncratic wines – sharing a common constant: Styria and its very best vineyards.
STK vintners have consciously set themselves very high goals and are committed to stringent quality criteria both in winegrowing and wine production. These criteria and values have been steadily developed over the last 30 years. Discussion and openness to criticism have allowed them to learn from and amongst one another, always with the goal in mind of producing the best wines.
Winzer Vulkanland Steiermark
Since 2016, the wineries in south-eastern Styria and their more than 70 winegrowers have positioned themselves under the new Vulkanland Steiermark wine-growing region, which extends from the Hartberg area via Fürstenfeld to Feldbach and Bad Radkersburg. For generations, the members have cultivated their region's typical wine culture with a wide variety of grape varieties that can hardly be found in any other wine-growing region - for wine lovers a treasure chest full of enjoyable, exciting discoveries.
Marktgemeinschaft Steirischer Wein
This umbrella marketing cooperative supports Styria’s quality winegrowers and is the licensing body for Steirischer Junker® new wine, the first ambassador of each Styrian vintage.
Österreich Weinmarketing GmbH
One of the most powerful vinophile-focused marketing institutions worldwide; Austria’s untiring as well as unbureaucratic umbrella organization and service company with Chris Yorke as CEO.